
Bath & Shower
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  • Ultrasun
  • Skin Doctors
  • Clarins
  • Elizabeth Arden
  • Tisserand Aromatherapy
  • Scottish Fine Soaps
  • Margaret Dabbs London
  • Weleda
  • Vital Proteins
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Body Categories

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  1. Alterna 2 items
  2. American Crew 8 items
  3. ANSWR 1 item
  4. Australian Bodycare 37 items
  5. Baby Foot 1 item
  6. BaByliss Pro 1 item
  7. Balance Me 7 items
  8. bareMinerals 1 item
  9. Bee Good 1 item
  10. Beautyblender 1 item
  11. Bloom and Blossom 12 items
  12. Burts Bees 11 items
  13. CeraVe 37 items
  14. Clarins 12 items
  15. Clinique 1 item
  16. Coco & Eve 1 item
  17. COSRX 1 item
  18. Decleor 4 items
  19. Dermalogica 10 items
  20. Dr. Botanicals 5 items
  21. Dr. PAWPAW 2 items
  22. DR VEGAN 12 items
  23. Dr Salts 21 items
  24. Elemental Herbology 18 items
  25. Elemis 12 items
  26. Elizabeth Arden 15 items
  27. Emma Hardie 12 items
  28. Evolve Beauty 9 items
  29. Evy 3 items
  30. Feather & Down 4 items
  31. Foreo 7 items
  32. Goldwell 1 item
  33. Gorgeous Shop 5 items
  34. Green People 34 items
  35. Hydrea London 24 items
  36. Jessica Nails 28 items
  37. K18 4 items
  38. Kent Brushes 1 item
  39. Korres 36 items
  40. L'Anza 2 items
  41. La Biosthetique 23 items
  42. Loving Tan 23 items
  43. Margaret Dabbs 32 items
  44. Mary Cohr 31 items
  45. Medik8 2 items
  46. Neal & Wolf 1 item
  47. NIP+FAB 2 items
  48. Nursem 14 items
  49. Nuud 4 items
  50. NUXE 43 items
  51. Pestle & Mortar 9 items
  52. Philip Kingsley 1 item
  53. Pureology 1 item
  54. Redken 2 items
  55. REN 21 items
  56. Scottish Fine Soaps 100 items
  57. Science of Skin 3 items
  58. Sienna X 12 items
  59. Skin Doctors 5 items
  60. Skinny Tan 9 items
  61. skinSense 5 items
  62. Smile Science Harley Street 11 items
  63. Solgar 48 items
  64. Spacemasks 4 items
  65. Spongelle 30 items
  66. Spotlight Oral Care 33 items
  67. St.Tropez 34 items
  68. The Solution 5 items
  69. Tisserand 86 items
  70. Tonik 1 item
  71. Trilogy 11 items
  72. Tweezerman 19 items
  73. Tweezy 2 items
  74. UltraSun 10 items
  75. UpCircle 24 items
  76. Vida Glow 2 items
  77. Vital Proteins 6 items
  78. We Are Paradoxx 2 items
  79. Weleda 91 items
  80. Xen-Tan 2 items
  81. &SISTERS 11 items
  82. Bondi Sands 21 items
  83. Institut Esthederm 2 items
  84. Guinot 33 items
Type of Product
  1. Aftersun 3 items
  2. Aromatherapy & Essential Oil 23 items
  3. Baby 20 items
  4. Bath Oils 7 items
  5. Bath Oils, Salts & Soaks 47 items
  6. Body Brush 9 items
  7. Body Cream 118 items
  8. Body Oils & Serums 56 items
  9. Body Scrub 22 items
  10. Body Spray 5 items
  11. Body Treatment 20 items
  12. Body Washes & Showergels 127 items
  13. Brushes & Combs 1 item
  14. Candle 1 item
  15. Cleansers & Cleansing Wipes 17 items
  16. Cleansing Cloths & Flannels 2 items
  17. Conditioner 9 items
  18. Deodorant 26 items
  19. Dental Flossing 7 items
  20. Diffusers & Room Fragrance 10 items
  21. Double 44 items
  22. Duo 36 items
  23. Exfoliating Mitt 10 items
  24. Eye Creams 1 item
  25. Eye Creams, Serums & Masks 5 items
  26. Face Exfoliator 3 items
  27. Face Mist 1 item
  28. Face Oils & Serums 9 items
  29. Face Treatment 2 items
  30. Foot Care 20 items
  31. Foot Cream 16 items
  32. Fragrance 6 items
  33. Gift Sets & Kits 82 items
  34. Hair Cream 2 items
  35. Hair Masque 3 items
  36. Hair Oils & Serums 4 items
  37. Hair Removal 7 items
  38. Hair Scrub 1 item
  39. Hair Treatment 1 item
  40. Hand Cream 72 items
  41. Hand Wash 41 items
  42. Heat Protector 5 items
  43. Lip Balm 2 items
  44. Makeup Primer 1 item
  45. Massage Balms & Oils 1 item
  46. Maternity 1 item
  47. Mens 11 items
  48. Moisturiser 51 items
  49. Nail Care 28 items
  50. Nail Polish 9 items
  51. Nail Varnish Remover 1 item
  52. Neck Cream 5 items
  53. Pack 1 item
  54. Pedicure 3 items
  55. Period Care 10 items
  56. Pillow Spray 2 items
  57. Serums & Masks 3 items
  58. Shampoo 12 items
  59. Shaving 9 items
  60. Skin Balms & Ointments 23 items
  61. Skin Treatment 16 items
  62. Skincare Brushes & Accessories 2 items
  63. Soap 25 items
  64. Sponges 18 items
  65. Sun Protection 13 items
  66. Supersize 1 item
  67. Supplements & Health 74 items
  68. Tan Accelerator 8 items
  69. Tan Applicator Mitt 9 items
  70. Tanning 73 items
  71. Tan Remover 2 items
  72. Teeth Whitening 14 items
  73. Toner 1 item
  74. Toothbrushes 13 items
  75. Toothbrush Head 1 item
  76. Toothpaste & Mouthwash 15 items
  77. Top Coat 1 item
  78. Towel 1 item
  79. Trimmers & Clippers 2 items
  80. Tweezers 5 items
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The Importance of Body Care

Taking care of your body is the first step to a more confident you. Whether you’re looking to hydrate, exfoliate, cleanse or tone, our curated range of body lotions, moisturisers, exfoliators, bath products and body oils are sure to do the trick. Our hand-picked body care products are created by industry-leading skincare brands, so you can rest assured that your body care routine is in safe hands.

Discover our extensive range of body care products.

If you’re looking for that fresh, just hopped out of the bath feeling every day of the week, you’ve come to the right place. We’ve got the perfect body care products to help you feel your most radiant and beautiful self, always.

Moisturisers & Creams

Regularly moisturising your skin not only reduces the chances of developing common skin conditions such as dryness or oiliness, but also reduces the visibility of wrinkles. Keeping your skin hydrated using high-quality moisturisers and creams is key to a healthy, happy body. Here’s to having glowing confidence, whatever the weather!

Our vegan Australian Bodycare Tea Tree Body Lotion is a brilliant all rounder and suits all skin types. Tea Tree Oil is well known for its brilliant benefits for the skin, from keeping the skin’s natural microflora in balance to its invigorating aroma that evokes a sense of well-being.


Exfoliating not only improves the appearance of your skin, but also stimulates collagen production to keep your skin plump and youthful. One of our best-selling exfoliators is the REN Skincare Body Guerande Salt Exfoliating Body Balm formulated with guérande sea salt, basil oil, peppermint oil and olive oil to gently remove dead skin cells whilst moisturising the skin.

Bath & Body

Nourish both your mind and body by introducing aromatherapy oils to your long soak in the bathtub for ultimate relaxation. Our lovely range of sustainable bath honeys by Humble - Natural Sustainable Beauty provide subtle floral scents from Sweet Pea & Verbena to Rose & Frankincense to give you the most relaxing experience whilst keeping your skin hydrated.

Why not take self-care to the next level with Spongelle’s Wanderlust Body Set? Including a brilliant exfoliating sponge and body wash bursting with the scents of summer, we know you’ll fall in love.